overdid it|overdo it in English

attempted to do too much, went to extremes; exaggerated

Use "overdid it|overdo it" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overdid it|overdo it" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overdid it|overdo it", or refer to the context using the word "overdid it|overdo it" in the English Dictionary.

1. Don't overdo it.

2. 12 At times, you may overdo it.

3. We overdid the meat and it didn't taste good.

4. 21 I'm being careful not to overdo it.

5. I think children of victims overdo it.

6. 23 I wish he wouldn't overdo it.

7. 13 We overdid the meat and it didn't taste good.

8. 20 Work hard but don't overdo it.

9. Use illustrations where appropriate but don't overdo it.

10. 2 Use illustrations where appropriate but don't overdo it.

11. 19 Most people are overeager and sometimes overdo it.

12. 4 It is important never to overdo new exercises.

13. 11 To give her her due, she didn't overdo it.

14. 29 You need more exercise, but be careful not to overdo it.

15. 9 Use a few drawings and photographs, but don't overdo it .

16. 13 The doctor told me to relax and not overdo it.

17. 8 Don't overdo the garlic in the food not everyone likes it.

18. You can try to pucker up to look cute, but don't overdo it.

19. Don’t overdo it! Your Croquettes will taste more like flour than salmon if you do

20. Don't overdo it though - the flipside of stress is boredom, stagnation and low self-esteem.

21. 7 You mustn't overdo it - if you' re tired, just sit down and start again.

22. 27 Pressed powder can be used but it will sit on your skin and in fine lines if you overdo it.

23. 5 You mustn't overdo it - if you' re tired, just sit down and start again.

24. 15 Don't overdo it though - the flipside of stress is boredom, stagnation and low self-esteem.

25. And this chap said we might well be sorry for Connie, but not to overdo it.